The MRCA has adopted the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for Marsh Park prepared by Pareto Planning, ending the environmental process for this wonderful 3-acre park project located along the Los Angeles River Greenway Trail in the Elysian Valley community, in the City of Los Angeles.
Improvements to the three-acre site will include an open-air picnic shelter, landscaped walking and nature trails with health and fitness stations, a restroom building and storage shed, a free play meadow, picnic tables, a community gathering/outdoor classroom area, bioswales, and parking for forty-three cars. The park will include a mural to be created in partnership with Friends of the Los Angeles River (FoLAR). The new park will be located in proximity to existing the MRCA’s existing Marsh Park, and serves to expand recreational facilities in the area.
We look forward to the MRCA’s construction of this wonderful community resource.